Migration and movement between towns along the borderlands of Thailand and Myanmar is common; trade accelerates in the border regions. Families like Oosamai and Mowwayh’s often move to find work wherever they can, dividing their lives between the corn, rice and bean seasons. At best, this can mean a more consistent income, but at worst poverty and migration can disrupt family structures and children’s access to education.
"We don’t usually look at the calendar, so we don’t know the names of the months. All
I know is that now [April] we work with corn and in the rainy season we work with
rice,” says Oosamai, father of three boys.
Four years ago, Oosamai’s twins and eldest sons settled at a local school. The boys
are already ahead of their parents in their education and language skills; Oosamai
and Mowwayh only attended school until they were nine years old.
“When my father talks to me or teaches me something, I always listen to him. I will
study and do my best,” says Gunmae-ou, Oosamai’s eldest son.